Thursday, November 29, 2007

Muse MIA

On Wednesday I submitted the last article that falls outside of the new December deadline. Now, I look at the list of my in-progress articles and feel overwhelmed. Good grief, which one?

Each time the overwhelming feeling starts to rise up I get up off my chair and leave the room. I head to the kitchen, living room or porch and fiddle around with something or other. Secretly, I hope that by engaging in some totally unconnected activity, Rita, my muse would shower me with at least four definite topics to write.

She has been MIA since Monday morning. I have no choice but to take up the mantle and run with it because I know only too well how elusive she can be.

So, here I sit - showered and prepped to work, to write. With or without Rita, I'm going to select those four topics and start writing in earnest to meet that December 8th. deadline.

This writer is on the job.

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