Monday, May 5, 2008

Marcy Basel tells my story

"Achieving something that I thought was impossible gave me a new feeling about who I am. I have a different kind of faith in myself. I don't get as easily discouraged, because I know that with persistence, the right idea will unfold. Nothing seems beyond my reach. I know that, with courage, I can follow my heart no matter what."
- Marcy Basel
This quote by Marcy Basel succinctly describes my life over the past eight months. I've stepped ever so carefully out of my shell, squeezed out of my comfort zone and ventured in this blogging world, scared but willing to try.

Why hadn't I done it before? Well, no time to dwell on that now. I'm here and day after day, I feel the pull to try new things. I'm getting braver every day. I see something on another blog and say to myself, "Hey, that's cool, I'll put it on my blog."

Yet, I don't hop on every blog feature bandwagon. I pick and choose what I will install. I don't want my blog to be cluttered and distract from the content I labor to write and post. And I do labor.

Not having mastered my perfectionist tendencies, I begin with a spark of inspiration or a rant on a topic I am passionate about. I let it pour out on the screen, unchecked in all it's unedited details. I give it a quick spell-check and editing and copy what I've written to TextAloud. As the virtual voice reads, I edit some more. I want my post to come across as natural as possible. After several read-throughs and I feel satisfied that it reflects my heart, I copy the piece into my New Posts section and hit the Publish button. With one final check on the published post and I'm off to work on something else.

With three blogs to manage updating them every day is not yet a reality but I envision a twice weekly update in the very near future. I don't want to post just for posting sake, as I told my fellow writer/blogger Jeanne, recently. I may not be write about hardcore news about the publishing industry and other serious topics like that. My posts are more personal, like my tag line says, "...walk along with me as I write."

Like Marcy Basel, I too can say "Achieving something that I thought was impossible gave me a new feeling about who I am. I have a different kind of faith in myself. I don't get as easily discouraged, because I know that with persistence, the right idea will unfold. Nothing seems beyond my reach. I know that, with courage, I can follow my heart no matter what."

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