Today, will you join me in saying thanks to those who have encouraged us by their inspiring words and/or by their example, to improve our writing (style, voice, practice, process etc.), in some way.
If you think your list is too long for the comments section, share a few and post the rest on your blog, with a link back to Perspectives on Writing.

I name three writers/bloggers for the specific comments they made in one of their blog posts or to me personally.
Jeanne Dininni at
- respond to everyone who leaves a comment on your blog.
Cheryl Wright at
- maintain professionalism even your relationship with an editor moves into the realm of friendship.
Sita Henderson at
- your most moving writing is found in the pieces where you share your personal stories.
My regular commenters/blogging friends and kindred spirits, who stop in here often for a chat (no doubt with a cup of coffee on their desks), always leave me with interesting ideas, provocative insights and inspiring words.
I'm sure you'll find their comments on the subject of "giving thanks" here.
Follow the links to their blogs and see why they are the "wind beneath my wings," my fans in the stand and my writing guardian angels.
Joanne DeMaio, Jan Lundy, Tabitha, Diantha Harris, Terri Tiffany, Magnolia and Janice Hunter to name a few. Plus each new person who drops in brings her own special brand of spice to add to the mix.
I love you guys. Thank you.
This is a beautiful post Cheryl and thank you so very much for this uplifting and loving compliment.
Hey at a point where I am feeling particularly useless, you come and say something nice about me (-:..
Thank you, dear friend.
Love, Sita
And "thanks" back to you Cheryl. I always appreciate your public praise.
Cheryl, what a sweet post! It's nice to tip our hats to those who mean so much to us in one way or another. I feel the same way you do about fellow bloggers, especially the regulars who stop by often and offer up their insight. There's always something in their words to uplift or encourage or share with myself and others. Yes, you would be right up there at the top of my list!! I think I'd also like to thank the published authors whose books I read, for the inspiration they give in the whole writing process, from initial thoughts to the final published book. It is quite a journey, and I admire those who stay with it and whose books are so moving!
What a lovely surprise to find such a kind tribute here. You are sweet and so generous of spirit. :-) Your faithfulness to the craft invites me to do so as well. Truly inspirational!
I have been blessed to have many wonderful mentors over the years, most of whom are writers in the self-help/spiritual growth field and they definitely invite me to spread my wings and soar in new directions. Too many to name here.
The post today (at my blog) is a prime example. I love nature writing and looking for the lessons to be found in nature. I have a book started about that. Yet, I flail. I wondered if my ramblings would mean anything to anyone else. Your comments and the comments of a few other bloggers on that post made me reconsider...Is it time to dabble a bit more with that book? The focus is not on the garden, but living on water and all the lessons that come with that--prompts from birds at the water's edge, waves, trees & plants, the sun and moon and the weather ... and the unexpected.
So, to me, this is a perfect illustration of how we inspire one another as writers...and life journeyers. You (and a few wise others) have opened me up to new possibilities. Isn't life grand?
Ladies, bloggers, writers, friends - Thank you again.
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