I found this Meme at Writer at Random and it was just so much fun to do.
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your hair? black
3. Your significant other? Stanley
4. Your mother? deceased
5. Your father? deceased
6. Your favorite thing? teapots
7. Your dream last night? rain
8. Your favorite drink? coffee
9. Your dream/goal? Spain
10. The room you’re in? bedroom
11. Your ex? none
12. Your fear? fire
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? writing
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you’re not? outgoing
16. Muffins? bran
17. One of your wish list items? dryer
18. Where you grew up? Trinidad
19. The last thing you did? post
20. What are you wearing? pyjamas
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pets? cat
23. Your computer? notebook
24. Your life? creative
25. Your mood? pensive
26. Missing someone? mother
27. Your car? Kia
28. Something you’re not wearing? watch
29. Favorite store? Payless
30. Your summer? beach
31. Like(love) someone? granddaughter
32. Your favorite color? green
33. Last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? funeral
35. Who will re-post this? Sita
I invite you to participate and pass it on.

I always enjoy reading these, it's amazing how very simple questions reveal so much about people. As I was reading yours, I thought this would be a good character sketch/exercise for writing, to help develop a story's characters, supplying trivia and quirks to drop into the narrative to give it detail. Okay, you can see I'm in true "writer" mode today!
So interesting how different writers think and how one thought, a piece of writing or a person can fuel our passions in peculiar ways.
This meme inspired ideas for articles about self-improvement and making positive lifestyle choices.
Your passion saw sparks to enhance character development for your fiction stories.
On our writing journey, we might look to join ourselves to people with similar passions but often, it is our very differences themselves that reek of inspiration for out writing.
I like reading these too! It's fun getting to know more about the writes I share ideas with!
This was fun to read and learn more about you. I'll probably pass on posting this myself, but it did give me pause for thought. For me, how hard it is to say something in just one word! Or to make a decision and pick just one thing. That creates lots of uneasiness in me. I never did like those magazine personality tests, or even the Meyers-Briggs. I think that might mean that I don't want to fence myself in.:-) Hmmmm...
It was fun mixed with a bit of anxiety trying to select one word for some of the questions.
I understand your apprehension about this meme. I can see how you could feel that you're fencing yourself in and feeling uneasy.
I had some anxiety with a few of the questions but I forced myself to stick with the one-word limit.
It was an exercise in stepping out of my comfort zone. Every now and then, I dip my toe into strange and uncharacteristic waters. I am realizing that contrary to my former belief, I do have a insy winsy tiny adventurous spirit.
Cheryl, this is a great exercise! I am going to pass it on to my son, a writer, and expose him to this blogging world which is so rich! I am going to try this myself as I think it will be very revealing to do and agree with Joanne that it could be a great thing to do in character develop for writers. Thanks so much for sharing this!
xo diantha
Hi Diantha,
So your son is a writer huh? Sweet.
I hope I'll get to read your response to this meme.
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