My previous post was meant to simply let you know about Chelsea's blog and free backgrounds. It was a spur-of-the-moment impulse that I asked you to comment on what you thought the new look said about me.
I'm so glad I did because it was interesting to read your observations and insights.
Thank you.
One minute the design seems cluttered because I am used to the solid-colored backgrounds I've been using. Then after I look at it for a second or two, it is a nice change, a fun change and a definite reflection of my love of country cottage style - notice the tiny checked (gingham) pattern on the bows. Another aspect in the new background is the overall pattern. It features curves in the leaf and petal shapes and swirls - so me.
And the prominence of green, my all-time favorite color. No more solid green, but accents against a pale neutral color.Ivory, cream, tan and sand will always get my vote. Did you see the pops of black?
I'm not a lover of blue but those soft blue lines and swirls are pretty. I like it.
This background will change in the future, I'm sure but I'm really liking this new change. It's fun. Change can be that way sometimes, especially when you have darling friends like you to share it with. Thanks again for making it so much fun.

Love the gingham check going on in the bows, I didn't notice that yesterday. Which is what I like about this design, each time I'm here, it feels like I'm seeing something else new. Very inspiring ...
I just noticed something else as well - the top-stitching on the band to the bow.
Top-stitching is one of those details I love in casual clothes - shirts, skirts, pants and jackets. It gives the piece structure, texture and a dollop of casual elegance - all essentials for my purchases or clothes I sew myself.
I believe it is the mark of a true creative soul with a discerning eye
to continue finding snippets of new things: ideas, treasures, meaning in the old, the comfortable and the mundane.
You've that kind of person. Your blog spill over with such new takes on living our choice lives.
I'm glad you are keeping it. This design is so fun and you can always change it when the mood suits you. As you said, change can be fun!
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