Like many dreams, mine got lost in the melee of living until my heart could no longer bear the thirst for something more. Of course at the time I did not know not what would quench the thirst, except that my heart yearned for something creative.
Pursuing one path, led me to another. For all the adventure and thrill interior design provided, it was simply a means to an end. Of course I did not know that at the time, but as I moved effortlessly and excitedly among floor plans, decorating styles, color, furniture placement, fabrics, lighting and all the other elements that make up the sum of the field, I gravitated to writing about interiors as opposed to creating them.
Rooted in my children, my dream to write never quite left me. It resurfaced, dressed in different clothes and stayed in the shadows. In time, it threw off its disguise and stepped into the light. No one was more surprised than I to discover my latent dream was alive and well and ready to take me on the adventure of a lifetime.
To cut a long story short, I found myself, my voice, my purpose, my passion.
What is your writing story? How did you connect or re-connect with your writing dream? When did the dream first tickle your heart? Were you like me, on a different life path when writing re-entered your life? What was the reunion like? How are you faring today with your writing?

Good morning, Cheryl. As you may know, writing discovered me--I didn't set out to find it. I began scribbling on scraps of paper when life was teetering beyond overwhelming and putting pen to paper eased my angst. I kept writing and, in time, found a wealth of wonder there, along with a bit of inner wisdom. Insights. Tidbits of how I was beginning to live more kindly, more peaceably with myself and life. In time, these transformed themselves into esssays--reflections--which I then (oh, so boldly and naively) sent out for publication. Amazingly, my local newspaper grabbed onto them and I became a "community columnist." In time a book was written, more magazine columns, more books, now a blog! The whole process has been quite amazing to me--a true saving grace. I credit writing (and honoring the Muse who came to call) with saving my life--literally!
So writing for me remains a profound way to name and process my experience, put it into a universal framework in terms of the human experience, then send it out into the world to share with others. I feel so blessed to be able to do what I do.
Interesting development though. Now, it seems, I am writing all the time in my head. Constantly. Talk about being possessed! Crafting letters, blog posts, articles, more books. I awoke this morning full of thought-pictures about a new book I am working on. I could not get to a notebook fast enough to write all of it down. When I can, I feel relief and the word clouds slow down, drift across my mind, and no longer preoccupy...Does this make sense to you as a writer? I wonder.
This was a very thought-provoking post, Cheryl, and I appreciate you allowing me to ramble on here. Hugs!
I always wrote in diaries and journals. When I had the opportunity to own a Christian bookstore--it spurred me to try my hand at writing a book. years later, when a good friend died, I wrote her story and sent it in to a women's magazine--they accepted it and then I knew I'd found my real passion:)
Oh, I knew when I was just a child and announced it firmly when I was 21, when a friend asked if I knew what I wanted to do with my life.
"Yes, I want to be a writer" Very matter-of-fact and it seemed to burst out of my heart. To be honest, it rather shocked me that I would say such a thing so strongly. Especially since I had done nothing education wise to steer me even remotely towards it.
At the time, I was majoring in psychology & nursing with plans to be a psychiatric nurse. Where did this writing notion come from? :)
Even still, I kept this dream tucked away for another 25 years and ended up not in pscychiatric nursing, but accounting with plans to become a CPA. Instead, I ended up marrying for a second time, giving birth to my 3rd child and becoming a full-time mom and homemaker.
My dream continued to simmer in the background a long with my passion and love for music.
I started playing music at 44, but didn't begin to let my deepest heart dream of writing come out of the closet until the last couple of years.
I look back over my life and wish I would have gone with my first instinct at 18 and majored in English or Journalism. Who knows where it would have taken me?
But, my practical side won out and I chose a more level headed endeavor. Yet, it seems now that I am at the place where the best writing is able to emerge anyway.
So, maybe it has arrived at just the right time after all.
I've been writing since I was a child and even had a poem published in the 3rd grade. I never stopped writing, just never took it seriously until a few years ago when, like most of you, I could no longer ignore the passion and call to write. Now I must learn how to be patient for God to use it as He will - that's the tough part. I encourage all would be authors out there to follow your dream - no matter what others may say. We need more good writers in this world of negativity.
Since my high school freshman year when I won my English class writing contest, I've always wanted to write. It's grown and taken different shapes since the years after school, including freelance work for local publications, manuscripts, essays, blogging, a bit of journals, always something in some way or form, my words meeting the page.
I think one of the most wonderful experiences of writing is having it help in the healing process - physically, spiritually, emotionally.
Your story is so rich with the catharsis that often comes with writing.
You had quite the dreamed-of experience of aspiring writers. One story or essay published and growing into a long list of writing credits to decorate a portfolio.
I love waking with words. It is a common writer's experience. The key to having thse words blossom into something worthwhile and maybe even publishable, is getting them down on paper or your computer as soon as possible.
When writing becomes a passion or is linked to our passion, we find ourselves writing all the time - intentionally and unintentionally.
Writing has served you well in your life and now it continues to help you name and process your experiences. At the same time it is helping those who read your writing and by extension hear you speak. God is using your writing to bless, inspire, encourage and improve lives.
You're welcome to ramble here anytime. That's what friends are for to sit and listen and encourage and learn.
Far too often aspiring writers believe they must wait until they have some writing qualification before they attempt writing and more so,before they send out a piece of work for publication. You have proven, as have many others that sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet, put a stamp on the envelope and send your submission on the wings of prayer.
Sometimes you receive a "Yes" with a check or a "Yes" with a bio box of exposure. Other times, you might get a "No" with any number of reasons why not.
More aspiring writers should stop dreaming long enough to write and send their writing out into the world.
Beneath the baggage of life, I sense that you are still that "Yeah, I want to be a writer," person - spunky, ready with a right-from-the-heart response.
If only more of us can be so "ready" to own our passion, as spontaneously as you did. Maybe if we did, we might be more inclined to go with its flow.
Of course the flow might exist beneath the surface of our practical lives, but in time, our dreams find their way to the top. In time, in the right time, not a moment too soon or too late, our passion resounds and there is no escaping it.
Jan Cline,
Oh that patience issue huh? Join the club. It is also a balance issue - doing all we can and waiting on God.
Thanks for plugging the call to follow our writing dreams despite the naysayers and the negativity.
Oh Joanne,
I thank God for leading you down your particular path because your words are still meeting the page in the most inspiring way as you encourage us to identify and live our choice lives with a cup of our preferred coffee blend nearby.
It's great fun to read everyone's writing journey story, isn't it? I appreciate your kind thoughts on my journey, Cheryl, it has been quite the ride. I only wanted to be a teacher, but looks like the Divine One had different ideas in mind for me. I am heartened to hear that I am not CRAZY for having all those writing thoughts in my head ALL the time. Truthfully, though, sometimes it gets to be too much. That is when I go to a focused meditation practice to clear my thoughts. The practice of "Metta," sending lovingkindness to others creates space and moves me into my heart. Otherwise my head can feel like the Los Angeles freeway! Talk about noise! Hugs! (
As energizing as it might be to be always brimming with ideas and words, it can be way too much for one mind with other responsibilities.
One sure way to find balance is to seek a quiet place within as well as without.
Meditation is the ideal path to the kind of enveloping silence and peacefulness that holds us in a state outside of the whirlwind of ideas, words, and writing.
Not only do we benefit on a personal level, but our writing is given time and space to percolate and evolve.
Sometimes in the midst of an article coming together perfectly,I sense the overwhelming need to step back and step away. I save my stuff grab a hot or cold drink, reach for my basket and deposit myself on the porch. With the first gulp and a deep sign, I feel the rush slow and I ease into my rest and reflect zone.
I'm not saying that it is always that easy. Sometimes, I fight it. But you know something, when I heed the call I am never disappointed. Then I return to my writing - my mind is more alert and focused and my heart is more open to God's leading.
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